Our mission is to improve livelihoods in Africa and around the world, through education in agricultural innovation, environmental protection, entrepreneurship, and new innovative learning methods for basic literacy, numeracy, logic and concepts.


MyFarm is a creative hub set up by Africa Startup where people of all ages can come to learn, train, and share knowledge and ideas. At MyFarm we test and fine tune all of our ideas ready for them to be shipped across the world. Everyone is welcome at MyFarm and everyone who enters should leave learning something.

Leap Learning

Leap Learning has developed a new educational method using technology to enable children to learn to learn, where and whoever they are in the world. We are combining technology and hands on games into a flipped classroom (Leap Learning Labs) with stations, to ensure that all children can learn at their own level and in their own pace.

Our aim is to develop methods that can be scalable and replicated in other places, and we are always happy to share everything we develop.

When we first started our focus was on infrastructure projects and business start-ups, encouraging and promoting an entrepreneurial spirit. Now we offer so much more!!! We develop materials and implement programs on entrepreneurship, permaculture, soap production, micro gardening and more. Our mix of world class training and innovative learning techniques makes our programs the most robust we have come across.

Donate Towards A Training Program

30 Ladies in Talokoto, a small village in Gambia are desperate to gain the skills, knowledge and confidence they need to start their own businesses. Help us help them by donating today 😊

We want to train them in Micro Gardening & Entrepreneurship so they can improve their land, yield, and livelihoods.

Founded & Based In Norway In 2008, Our Reach Has Now Spread All Across Africa

Are you an NGO, Training Centre or organisation and want to use our training materials? We have everything you could possibly need to initiate long lasting development in your country. 

“An Educational Journey From Seed To Business”


During the Covid-19 pandemic we offer our entrepreneurship apps for free through our webapps platform. Go to https://webapps.leaplearning.no/ and click on the Entrepreneruship icon. Use the promocode htmm to access the apps.